THE OWL LADY REVEALS: I was nominated for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award!


Thank you so much, Dale Furse, for nominating my blog for this award. Please look her up over on her blog “Dale Furse” where he talks about books, writing,  publishing and promoting, supporting and promoting other authors.

The Very inspiring Blogger Award rules are as follows:

  • Display the award on your blog
  • Link back to the person who nominated you
  • State 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 bloggers, link to them, and notify them about their nominations

Now, seven things about myself! Hmm, something you might not know…

  1. Besides owl I also love cats and bats
  2. I don’t like being called Vivian
  3. I love all kinds of music
  4. I love the color kerry green
  5. I adopted a young man and his family who live in England. He’s also an author.
  6. I met Bob Hope
  7. I was on a Polish radio station when I was 10

Now to nominate 15 bloggers. Hmm, that’s going to be hard because they’ve probably already been nominated.

Chris The Story Reading Ape

Seumas Gallacher

readers+writers journal



Internation Book Promotion

Just Olga

Kate Jack’s Blog

Nicholas C. Rossis

Reading Recommendations

Lit World Interviews

Tiana Lopez

Tricia Drammeh

Check them all out, they’re great blogs with terrific information.

About The Owl Lady

Viv Drewa is a Michigan native who has enjoyed reading and writing since 1963. Though she studied medicinal chemistry at the University of Michigan, her passion has always been writing. She had been awarded third place for her nonfiction short story about her grandfather's escape from Poland. Later, she rewrote this story and was published in the "Polish American Journal" as "From the Pages of Grandfather's Life" and has republished it on Amazon.com as a short story. Viv took creative and journalism courses to help in her transition to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer. She worked as an intern for Port Huron's 'The Times Herald", and also wrote, edited and did the layout or the Blue Water Multiple Sclerosis newsletter "Thumb Prints." She also has a business promoting authors. Owl and Pussycat Book Promotions. Viv, her husband Bob and their cat Princess, live in Fort Gratiot, Michigan.

21 comments on “THE OWL LADY REVEALS: I was nominated for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

  1. C.o.n.g.r.a.t.u.l.a.i.o.n.s. A deserving award. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Grata!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Anna Dobritt — Author and commented:
    Grata!!! 😀


  4. Reblogged this on jemsbooks and commented:
    Congrats on your award, Viv! It is well deserved!
    Thank you for sharing!


  5. Update: I have now accepted the award with gratitude, and placed it in my awards cabinet: http://nicholasrossis.me/awards/

    Again, thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I only just saw this! I’m so sorry 🙂

    Congrats on the well-deserved award, and thank you so much for the kind nomination!


  7. Congrats, Viv! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yes, I think it’s over now. I got this in my email and just responded to it. Thanks, Kathy! @v@ ❤


  9. Love your blog, Kate! @v@ ❤


  10. Thanks for the nomination, Viv 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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