Archive | June 8, 2015

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A wrong cover and a revamp – case study of rebranding an indie novel

Originally posted on Nail Your Novel:
You know my bookseller friend Peter Snell, of Barton’s in Leatherhead? (He’s the co-host of our Surrey Hills Radio show So You Want To be A Writer.) Peter is a staunch supporter of indie authors, and he mentioned to me that he’d been talking to an indie writer I…

To Offer it Free or Not – Marketing Your Work

Originally posted on Indigo Sea Press Blog:
As with everything to do with the art of writing, publishing and marketing books, there are different views on the worth of offering your books free. Some will argue that you should not work for free.  And, in essence, that is what you are doing when you offer…

…nearly finished writing ‘KILLER CITY’… here’s a wee teaser for yeez… hope yeez like it…

Originally posted on Seumas Gallacher:
…it’s LUVLY when yeez can see the finishing line in the not-too-distant horizon… it has been almost two years since my last Jack Calder crime thriller masterpiece, SAVAGE PAYBACK, hit the Great God Amazon’s hustings… that two years had many things ‘going on’ that slowed down the production of the…

This Month’s Shows June 2015

Originally posted on Dellani Oakes:
A message from my author pal, Rami Ungar, reminded me that I don’t use this forum to announce my Blog Talk Radio shows and I should. (Thank you, Rami for asking!) Not everyone who follows me here, follows me on Twitter or Facebook, so I am really being foolish not…

Amazon Bundles of Kindle Series: Noticed This?

Originally posted on chrismcmullen:
KINDLE SERIES BUNDLES Amazon appears to be bundling some Kindle series now. Please thank sword and sorcery fantasy author Charles E. Yallowitz for mentioning this, and for letting me use the image for this post. If you want to check out how this looks at Amazon, you can see it in…

Thoughts on Writing – Creating Fantasy Languages

Originally posted on Stephanie Flint – Author and Artist:
One of the topics I’ve been thinking about recently is creating fantasy languages. Reason being, I’m creating a language for use in my YA fantasy manuscript, The Wishing Blade. Now, in the original draft (and even across several drafts for different books in that world), I…

Listen to “The Orb of Truth” The Horn King Series Book 1 Written & Narrated by: Brae Wyckoff

It is Time!!! ‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎braewyckoff‬ Voted #1 Best Fantasy Book Under the Radar! Voted #1 Best Christian Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book! Voted #1 Best Indie Fantasy Book! Voted #1 Best World Building! Voted #1 Epic Fantasy Worth Your Time! Voted #1 Awesome Action! Voted #1 Best Supporting Characters! In the hundreds of years since the Holy City […]

The Chronicles of Marithe Series by Patrick O’Scheen

‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎patrickoscheen‬ “Dreamer” Book # 1 We all have a little Dragon inside of us, something that struggles to find solace. ….Dreamer is the first book in a series that portrays life as a mixture of fantasy and reality. The main character, Magic, flows between the worlds, often preferring one more than the other. Both […]

“Stonewiser: The Lament of the Stone” by Dora Machado

‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎doramachado‬ In her most dangerous adventure yet, Sariah, the rogue stonewiser who defied the all- powerful Guild, and Kael, the rebel leader who against all odds loves her, must find a stolen child, the only one capable of setting rule upon chaos, preserving the future of stonewising and defeating the rot ravaging the land. […]

“My First Travel Book” (My First Travel Books # 1) by Anna Othitis

‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎annaothitis‬ Are you ready to take to the skies? Then welcome to Angelic Airlines! Come join the adventures of Captain Frankie and the Angelic Airlines flying angel as they travel across the world to some of the most popular, entertaining, and educational places in the world. Captain Frankie is waiting for you to book […]


bestselling author, also known as Victoria Hawthorne


AUTHOR, Copy Editor, Publisher, & Book Blogger


A journey always begins with one step

Judy Mastrangelo

Artist & Author

K.M. Allan

Writing Advice From A YA Author Powered By Chocolate And Green Tea

Cassie Loves Covers

Yes, I Judge Books By Their Covers

Just Can't Help Writing

A blog about the hard work of writing

Fiction is Food

Existing in a Different World

Author D.L. Finn

Embrace your inner child by reading a good book!

Book Editing

Professional book editing for fiction and nonfiction writers


A site for the Barsetshire Diaries Books and others

Touch My Spine Book Reviews

☆📚~A Magickal Book-Blog Featuring A Free-Spirited & Custom Made Bibliophile ~🔮