Archive | June 14, 2015

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New Release: A Brutal Trade: A Diana Rivers Thriller by Faith Mortimer

Originally posted on writerchristophfischer:
Even on a small island the darkest secrets can’t stay buried forever… It began like any normal day in Cyprus…except it wasn’t…the body of a woman brutally murdered and discovered in a shallow grave changes all that. It is only days later when amateur sleuth, Diana Rivers and old flame, Chief…

Guest Post- Talking Animals: Yay or Nay or Meh?

Guest Post- Talking Animals: Yay or Nay or Meh?

Haiku: Rose petals

Originally posted on Jane Dougherty Writes:
I did get a second haiku for Ronovan’s ‘Inspire and Loss’ haiku challenge after all. Fallen petals sigh rain specked remains still inspire songs of love and loss

The Defeatist and the struggle of being a writer.

Review and author interview: “Paulyanna International Rent-boy” by Paul Douglas Lovell

Originally posted on writerchristophfischer:
“Paulyanna International Rent-boy” by Paul Douglas Lovell is a very accomplished memoir that tells with great honesty and no false pretence the story of a gay working class man, who, amongst many other things, gradually comes of age during his younger years, Coming to terms with his family situation and his…

Why Flashbacks Ruin Fiction

Originally posted on Kristen Lamb's Blog:
Image via Flickr Creative Commons, courtesy of Sally Jean We have been discussing Deep POV, and yesterday I mentioned hating flashbacks with the power of a thousand suns and promised to explain why next post. Yay! Here we are. So you want to be a writer. Okay. I’ll…

THE OWL LADY ANNOUNCES: Release Day Blitz for “The Pull” by Sara V. Zook

Release Blitz: The Pull Author: Sara V. Zook Genre: Contemporary Romance Synopsis Having two women wanting you at the same time … isn’t that every man’s fantasy? Wrong. It’s a nightmare, at least for Darin Thorne. The doctors had assured him his wife was going to die, sooner or later, so he’d moved on with […]

Normal Service Will Be Resumed Soon

27 Interesting Facts about Words

27 Interesting Facts about Words

Interesting Literature Fun facts about words and the English language The stuff of literature is, of course, words. As Samuel Taylor Coleridge observed, ‘Prose = words in their best order; – poetry = the best words in the best order.’ In this post, we’ve gathered up 27 of the best facts about words that we’ve […]

Self-Publishing Checklist Condensed Version


bestselling author, also known as Victoria Hawthorne


AUTHOR, Copy Editor, Publisher, & Book Blogger


A journey always begins with one step

Judy Mastrangelo

Artist & Author

K.M. Allan

Writing Advice From A YA Author Powered By Chocolate And Green Tea

Cassie Loves Covers

Yes, I Judge Books By Their Covers

Just Can't Help Writing

A blog about the hard work of writing

Fiction is Food

Existing in a Different World

Author D.L. Finn

Embrace your inner child by reading a good book!

Book Editing

Professional book editing for fiction and nonfiction writers


A site for the Barsetshire Diaries Books and others

Touch My Spine Book Reviews

☆📚~A Magickal Book-Blog Featuring A Free-Spirited & Custom Made Bibliophile ~🔮