Archive | June 16, 2015

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Walking In The Rain by Julia Ibbotson @JuliaIbbotson @BrookCottageBks #bookreview

Beach Reads Blog Tour 2015 Day 13 #Beachbooks @GreenWizard62

Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT Liz reviews Piano from a 4th Storey Window by @jmortonpotts

Self-Publishing Is Now More Like Traditional Publishing – Oh Yeh???

Originally posted on Have We Had Help?:
Steve Bohme of Nielson Book It took long enough but it now looks as if self-publishing is finally being accepted as a legitimate form of publishing here in the UK. This nation has always lagged far behind the rest when it comes to self-published eBook sales.

Call to Arms – Book Marketing Results

Originally posted on Nicholas C. Rossis:
Following my Call to Arms, a number of you responded by sharing with me your book marketing experience. I now have about a hundred responses by some fifty authors. Although some of the responses were expected, there were quite a few surprises in there for me. Methodology For anyone…

In 2 more days! ******* Book Cover Reveal for “The Vampire King” by Brae Wyckoff!

‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎braewyckoff‬ Join the fun on Thursday, June 18th, at 6:00 PM PDT/ 9:00 PM EDT on Facebook Hope to see you all there!

Please vote for my book “The Angler and the Owl” on Goodreads

‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎vivdrewa‬ Click on the link below & then Click on EACH list and vote for her book wink emoticon If you have read the book please rate it as well. Thank you!

“Seer” (The Chronicles of Marithe Book 2) by Patrick O’Scheen

‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎patrickoscheen‬ I BELIEVE IN DRAGONS… The world of Marithe is back! The story of a young gamer named Xavier is woven into a plot of denial, betrayal and intrigue. He lives a double life running from those who would use him and searching for unencumbered love. Demons and gypsies fill the game panorama, entangling […]

LISTEN to “Stonewiser: The Heart of the Stone” on audio!!!

Written by Dora Machado Narrated by Melissa Reizian Frank ‪#‎aromasauthors‬ ‪#‎doramachado‬ Between truth and deception, between justice and abuse, a stonewiser stands alone with the stones… Or so begins the Stonewiser’s oath. But what happens when a rebellious stonewiser discovers that lies have tainted the stone tales? Like her fellow stonewisers, Sariah always expected to […]


This is the saga of the Hittite King Suppiluliumas, and rings with authenticity and the passion of a world that existed 1400 years before the birth of Christ. They called him Great King, Favorite of the Storm God, the Valiant. He conquered more than forty nations and brought fear and war to the very doorstep […]


bestselling author, also known as Victoria Hawthorne


AUTHOR, Copy Editor, Publisher, & Book Blogger


A journey always begins with one step

Judy Mastrangelo

Artist & Author

K.M. Allan

Writing Advice From A YA Author Powered By Chocolate And Green Tea

Cassie Loves Covers

Yes, I Judge Books By Their Covers

Just Can't Help Writing

A blog about the hard work of writing

Fiction is Food

Existing in a Different World

Author D.L. Finn

Embrace your inner child by reading a good book!

Book Editing

Professional book editing for fiction and nonfiction writers


A site for the Barsetshire Diaries Books and others

Touch My Spine Book Reviews

☆📚~A Magickal Book-Blog Featuring A Free-Spirited & Custom Made Bibliophile ~🔮