Archive | June 25, 2015

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Writing Quotes — Stephen King

Why Author Blogging: How to Attract a Crowd and Sell More Books

Why Author Blogging: How to Attract a Crowd and Sell More Books

Idioms: To Use or Not To Use? That is the Question

Originally posted on Reflections:
Writers should use cultural idioms when they write. My apologies to William Shakespeare. I stole a quote from his famous play Hamlet and tweaked it in my headline. Would someone unfamiliar with his play understand the quote? Would people unfamiliar with the colloquialisms of each other’s culture understand their blog posts?…

12 Guidelines You Need to Compile a #Fiction #Charity #Anthology

…my pal, Shawn Griffith, lets me loose on his blog today… yeee-hawwww …

Originally posted on Seumas Gallacher:
  Seumas Gallacher — Author Interview Seumas Gallacher — Author, Blogger, All Around Great Guy My fellow scribbler, one of the many ways he refers to himself, Seumas Gallacher has gracefully consented to give me an interview. Without further ado, here it is: Seumas, tell us a little about yourself and…

Danny Escapes

Originally posted on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog:
Danny Escapes FREEDOM! At long last, I was free for a short while today. I’m Danny the Dog and I write about my adventures on Chris’ blog. For the neophytes in the crowd, I’ll explain that I live on a boat with my human (whose…

Sisters In Love by @Melissa_Foster #Romance #bookreview

Rosie’s Avid Readers #RBRT The Gallows Curse by Karen Maitland #bookblogger

Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT Camera, Action Murder by @FaithMortimer #Crime #Mystery

The Digital Quill Answers: “Are there any genres, or subjects you would never write about as an author?”

Originally posted on Natacha Guyot:
Are there any genres, or subjects you would never write about as an author? I don’t think I would ever write poetry because I am comfortable only with prose. In terms of genres, I would never write horror (some elements can show up in certain stories but I couldn’t write…


bestselling author, also known as Victoria Hawthorne


AUTHOR, Copy Editor, Publisher, & Book Blogger


A journey always begins with one step

Judy Mastrangelo

Artist & Author

K.M. Allan

Writing Advice From A YA Author Powered By Chocolate And Green Tea

Cassie Loves Covers

Yes, I Judge Books By Their Covers

Just Can't Help Writing

A blog about the hard work of writing

Fiction is Food

Existing in a Different World

Author D.L. Finn

Embrace your inner child by reading a good book!

Book Editing

Professional book editing for fiction and nonfiction writers


A site for the Barsetshire Diaries Books and others

Touch My Spine Book Reviews

☆📚~A Magickal Book-Blog Featuring A Free-Spirited & Custom Made Bibliophile ~🔮