Archive | June 26, 2015

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On Writing Futuristic Sci-Fi Detective Stories

How to Add a Little Humor to Your Story

Originally posted on Jean's Writing:
I think all writing at some point can use a little comic relief. Think when your cooking that special meal and nothing is going right. Come to think of it something always funny happens in the kitchen. Comic relief is a way to release tension. Think Die Hard movies.…

Featured Book: Sofie at Bat

Featured Book: Sofie at Bat

Originally posted on readers+writers journal:
Perseverance and Practice in Picture Book for Kids Eight year old Sofie learns the importance of practice, perseverance and letting go of fears in a charming picture book for young readers. When t-ball player Sofie is unable to master hitting, she becomes consumed with fears about an upcoming game…

Writing Quotes — Roald Dahl

An Unhealed Scar

Originally posted on Regina Puckett:
An Unhealed Scar Regina Puckett Why are you standing still? Have you lost your will? Has time stopped for good? Maybe you’re just misunderstood What if someone offered to fix it all? Would you gather your strength and heed the call? Or have you decided it’s easier to stand where…

The Email Marketing Trap Fiction Writers Must Avoid

The Email Marketing Trap Fiction Writers Must Avoid

Originally posted on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog:
Read this great article by clicking on Jason’s photo or link below: the-email-marketing-trap-fiction-writers-must-avoid

Wednesday Wing….Creating a Slide show on your blog #wwwblogs

Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT The Scarlet Wench by M K Graff @GraffMarni #Mystery #wwwblogs

The Test by Gregg Bell @Gregg Bell1 Cosy #Romance #bookreview

Call to Arms – Jackie Weger’s take

Originally posted on Nicholas C. Rossis:
Jackie Weger is more than an author of great romance novels; she’s a tireless supporter of Indies, both on her own and through her eNovel Authors at Work group. Jackie has written a score of posts detailing her (rather extensive) marketing experience. As she includes the experience of the 50-odd authors…


bestselling author, also known as Victoria Hawthorne


AUTHOR, Copy Editor, Publisher, & Book Blogger


A journey always begins with one step

Judy Mastrangelo

Artist & Author

K.M. Allan

Writing Advice From A YA Author Powered By Chocolate And Green Tea

Cassie Loves Covers

Yes, I Judge Books By Their Covers

Just Can't Help Writing

A blog about the hard work of writing

Fiction is Food

Existing in a Different World

Author D.L. Finn

Embrace your inner child by reading a good book!

Book Editing

Professional book editing for fiction and nonfiction writers


A site for the Barsetshire Diaries Books and others

Touch My Spine Book Reviews

☆📚~A Magickal Book-Blog Featuring A Free-Spirited & Custom Made Bibliophile ~🔮