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Author Genevieve Scholl brings us another remarkable read. Help her celebrate by taking a look: 


She is a small town girl with a heart for the country life. Very shy and pretty much a loner, but her writing helps her be more outgoing and talk to various people that she would otherwise have a hard time approaching. She doesn’t write for the money or the fame, but rather to tell a story that needs to be told; whether that is her story or a character’s story. As a lot of people know, from her various interviews, She started writing to express her anger and hurt over the bullying that she experienced in High School, but eventually she just realized that she loved to tell stories. She was born in Texas, grew up and still lives in Upstate New York, and wants to retire in Ireland.

Nothing about me is normal… 

…but what exactly is ‘normal’? Just because I have two dads and no mom, my name is Elliot Marcus Smith even though I’m a girl, and I was born from a test tube… 

Does that mean I’m ‘abnormal’? 

I say no. 

But the sudden abilities that have been appearing since I turned eighteen sure do. Wounds are healing quickly, my vision has changed, as has my strength, and my sensitivities to other people’s emotions have become severely heightened. Add all that to the fact that I have been forgetting moments of my day as if they never happened, and it’s obvious that something strange is happening to me. 

But what? What am I becoming? 

Photo Credit: Jill Cadena David 
Also available on iBooks, Baker & Taylor, Scribd, and more!

About The Owl Lady

Viv Drewa is a Michigan native who has enjoyed reading and writing since 1963. Though she studied medicinal chemistry at the University of Michigan, her passion has always been writing. She had been awarded third place for her nonfiction short story about her grandfather's escape from Poland. Later, she rewrote this story and was published in the "Polish American Journal" as "From the Pages of Grandfather's Life" and has republished it on Amazon.com as a short story. Viv took creative and journalism courses to help in her transition to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer. She worked as an intern for Port Huron's 'The Times Herald", and also wrote, edited and did the layout or the Blue Water Multiple Sclerosis newsletter "Thumb Prints." She also has a business promoting authors. Owl and Pussycat Book Promotions. Viv, her husband Bob and their cat Princess, live in Fort Gratiot, Michigan.

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